25 Mar 2012

Receiver Holder

Well I've been a bit slack of late, being over a month since I last posted!
All in all, not much new work been done on the FJ, just getting out and enjoying it. However I was sick of tripping over the array of receiver hitches lying on my garage floor, so I decided to do something about it; build a wall mounted holder for them.

Fair simple stuff, grabbed a lump of RHS that accepts the hitches; not 100% sure on the exact internal diameter (think its about 50x50); just took a hitch into my local metal shop and found a piece that fitted.
I sliced this RHS into 3 x 150mm segments, with a 90 angle on one end and a 75 degree angle on the other. The plan here was to have the RHS mount in a slightly upward angle, so the receivers couldn't fall out.

Once cut and cleaned up with an angle grinder, it was a simple case of welding the RHS to a lump of steel plate I had lying around. Approx dimensions were 450 x 200 x 5mm. I then drilled a couple of holes in the top section of the plate, sprayed with some enamel paint (Kincrome Blue) and then mounted it to a wall in the shed once the paint dried using a couple of 6 x 40mm Dynabolts.

Here's a couple of pretty pics:

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