20 Dec 2011

Custom Sheepskin Seat Covers

Howdy once again.
After a week slogging it out in a datacentre in Sydney, I decided to treat myself to a set of custom sheepskin car seat covers on the way home. I've always had sheepskin seat covers for all my cars for a few reasons:
  1. Warm in winter
  2. Cool in summer
  3. Protect your seat coverings
  4. Additional comfort
The FJ having a few unique aspects to the front seats meant that a custom job was going to be the only real way to go. So after cruising around the net I came across a crowd in Canterbury; Canterbury Seat Covers.

The owner is a top bloke, in his mid 80's and as you can guess, has been there and done it in regards to upholstery and such, so I knew I was in good (and bloody strong!) hands. I splashed out on the top of the line sheepskins which have a lifetime warranty, custom air bag provisioning, arm rests and head rests. At this point in time I was a bit over $700 poorer, but it was money well spent. For color I went for "Charcoal" as it fits in perfectly with the interior colors and almost looks like it was made for the FJ. The backs of the seats I left "open" to allow access to the map pockets and such. Given I never have any passengers in the rear and the fact that my drivers side rear seat is coming out shortly, I thought enclosing them would be more hassle than benefit.

Attached are some photos minus the arm rest covers, which are still being made.

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