Another awesome product from Ellis Precision was installed this afternoon after finally arriving from Canada; machined billet coat hooks.
Like everything Joel from EP does, these are just plain awesome. I had him finish them in "stealth" the same as the shifter, transfer and hand brake bits he had done previously.
Installation couldn't be simpler:
- Remove the OEM coat hooks, pull down on the covering scabbard, exposing the bolt. Remove the bolt using a 10mm socket.
- On the back of the EP coat hook; install one of the supplied grub screws using a 3mm hex key. This grub screw is used as a locator.
- Drop the machine bolt through the coat hook (best to guide it by attaching to a 5mm hex key); locate the coat hook into position making sure the grub screw aligns with the untapped hole, while screwing in the machine bolt.
- Admire the product.
1. Pull down on the scabbard to expose the 10mm bolt head |
2. OEM coat hook removed, you can see the two holes;
one tapped the other blank |
3. Back of the EP coat hook; the top right hole
is tapped and takes the grub screw |
4. You'll need a 3mm and 5mm hex key. |
5. Grub screw installed |
6. Bolted in place and ready for the Zegna ;) |